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Awaken and Align

May 17, 2023

Founder of Calm Better Days, CBD/Cannabis Coach, Mental Health and Plant Medicine Advocate. As a sufferer of anxiety and postpartum depression, Amy found great relief w CBD which led her to become a cannabis coach. Amy guides those who are new to plant medicine on how to consume it to find the relief they need.
In This Episode:
  • Amy shares her origins story and how she became a cannabis guide and started her company Calm Better Days.
  • What was it about cannabis that resonated with her body and prompted her healing journey?
  • The cannabis plant has over 100 cannabinoids, for example, CBD and THC. Each cannabinoid has a different healing property.
  • How Amy works with her clients to choose the best form of Cannabis and the best delivery method.
  • Amy shares her journey with entrepreneurship and how she knew this is what she wanted to do.
  • Why is cannabis stigmatized in Asian American communities?
  • Amy is an advocate for mental health awareness within the Asian American community.
  • Amy shares her experience living in New York City during the pandemic and explains why it's important for her that she cultivates community.
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