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Awaken and Align

Feb 26, 2020

In this solo episode, I'm sharing what this New Moon in Pisces and Mercury Retrograde has brought in to my awareness: Shedding the old Laura and oh...she's dead. What spirit told me to do with my liver. Am I sober curious? 
Show Notes:

Feb 19, 2020

In This Episode We Talk About:


  • What is Lilith? What is the significance of Lilith as a feminine archetype in your chart?
  • Diversity in Wellness and Spirituality. How do you find a mentor if you don’t see a role model who looks like you?
  • What to look out for in 2020 and specifically the rest of Feb and March. 
  • What...

Feb 12, 2020

This episode was inspired by Kate and Oliver Hudson's podcast Sibling Revelry. I FINALLY got my sister Sarah to come onto the podcast and share her inspiring story of how she went from a chubby kid with low self-worth to now helping women live their best lives. 
Sarah has over 11 years of experience being a NICU...

Feb 5, 2020

In this week's episode, I'm taking a crack at storytelling. Maybe it's my throat chakra opening or the need to speak the truth, I reveal the real reason why I left my last job. 
In This Episode We Talk About:
  • What I've been inspired by this past week and how it's influenced my content creation.
  • The real reason...