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Awaken and Align

Mar 25, 2020

Aaron Rose is a new paradigm spiritual teacher, transformational coach for public figures, inclusive culture consultant, motivational speaker, energy worker, and human being committed to changing and enjoying the world at the same time. He is devoted to healing our crisis of separation and political polarization by...

Mar 11, 2020

Greta Fitz is the Founder and CEO of Ascention Beauty Co, the first wellness fragrance collection that's on a mission to help you discover your best-self through the evocative power of aromatherapy-inspired fragrance and the ancient healing energies of fair-trade crystals, together in rituals that work to condition a...

Mar 4, 2020

Mary Poffenroth is a biology lecturer and fear researcher for San Jose State University. In addition to contributing to Science magazine, Forbes, TEDx and SXSW, she advises growth driven individuals and organizations on how to use science to transform their relationship with fear to improve strategic decision making and...